Diese Extension für Mozilla Firefox bewirkt, daß beim öffnen eines Lesezeichen- oder Verlauf-Ordners in der Seitenleiste, andere offene Ordner autom. geschlossen werden (genau wie beim Internet Explorer), damit es nicht so unübersichtlich wird. Dazu klickt man einfach wie gewohnt auf den Ordner (direkt!). Wenn sich die anderen Ordner nicht schließen sollen, dann klickt auf das ± davor.
updated some language files (sr, tr, pt-BR, zh-CN)
new languages: pl, it
fixed: updating from 0.6c to 0.6 leads to missing toolbar and not-working settings dialog if the option to close the sidebar was enabled [reported by John Thornburgh]
fixed: open/close all buttons not working until mouse moved over bookmark/history item
new option to display toolbar buttons as buttons with text, icon+text, icon-only
new option to close sidebar after opening on a bookmark/history item (left click only)
fixed: unknown entity in pref dialog for some languages
added new language ja-JP
new way for closing the folders (improves compatibility)
now follows AMO guidelines by using namespace and other things
dropped Firefox 4.0 suppor
Firefox 4.0 support
dropped Firefox 2/3 support
added new language zh-CN,
improved compatibility with upcoming version of BMB
added new language sr-RS
Firefox 3.6 (Alpha) support
added new languages es-ES, pt-PT, tr-TR
added: option to close all open folders when closing the sidebar
fixed: middle click on folder did not open all containing bookmarks [reported by Philippe]
fixed: closing a folder inside the bookmarks sidebar using the ± icon could open a bookmark, that would be on the position (height) of the folder [reported by Erwin]
removed: Firefox 1.5 support
fixed: make it work again with Firefox 3.0b4
fixed: scrolling bug, when "Remember and focus last selected folder" was enabled, where top of the sidebar content was not visible (introduced in
fixed: added delay for selecting the last opened folder to make it work with Firefox 3.0
added new language sk-SK
fixed: restored compatibility with tab-extensions and other (such as Boox)
fixed: no new tab for bookmarks whith Tab Mix Plus
better Firefox 3.0 (Alpha) support
removed Firefox 1.0 support
some minor code changes/clean-ups
added Firefox 3.0 (Alpha) support
added option to close sidebar when closing firefox
added new language zh-CN
added: button to open settings (next to the close-sidebar button); add thhis css-code to your userChrome.css, to hide the button #browser > #sidebar-box * #acbtf_Settings { display:none; }
added new languages da-DK, nl-NL, pt-BR and pt-PT
added: Firefox 2.0 support
fixed small bug in pl-PL locale (error in pref_dialog.xul)
added new languages fr-FR, it-IT, es-ES, pl-PL, tr-TR, ko-KR
fixed: Firefox 1.0 (error caused by character encoding)
version bump for compatibility with Firefox 2.0 TRUNK builds
added: new small toolbar with two buttons to close and open all folders (note: opening all could take a long time)
added: italian language support, translation by Giuliano Masseroni from extenzilla.it
fixed: no history visible, when folder is remembered and history was cleared
fixed error in settings dialog
added: new options dialog
added: remember the last scroll position (folder) of the sidebar after closing and reopening
fixed error in history panel with TRUNK builds
Delete Bookmark Icons *UPDATED*
aktuelle Version: 0.7.1 vom 21.01.2016
Mit Delete Bookmark Icons kann man die Symbole für ein oder alle Lesezeichen löschen.
Der Grund für diese Extensions ist der, das Mozilla Firefox hin und wieder die falschen Symbole den Lesezeichen zuordnet und man das bisher nur durch löschen und wieder Anlegens des Lesezeichen beheben konnte. Damit ist nun Schluß! Rechtsklick auf ein Lesezeichen dessen Symbol gelöscht werden soll und den entsprechenden Menüpunkt auswählen. Im Lesezeichen-Manager kann man im Menü Bearbeiten die Symbole aller Lesezeichen auf einmal löschen.
Englisch (en-US), Deutsch (de-DE), es-ES, nl, pl, sr
improved: Firefox 44+ support
improved: Firefox 42+ support
version for Firefox 37+
added: options dialog for "extensions.DeleteBookmarkIcons.hideToolbarIcon" and "extensions.DeleteBookmarkIcons.hideToolbarIcons"
added: option "extensions.DeleteBookmarkIcons.hideToolbarIcon" to hide the default bookmark icon on the toolbar (on by default)
improved: compressing the database no longer blocks the browser
fixed: deleting the icon from an history entry did not work
more internal changes
version for Firefox 30
added: default favicon (the "blank square") will be hidden on the bookmarks toolbar
added: (hidden) option "extensions.DeleteBookmarkIcons.hideToolbarIcons" to completely hide the bookmark icons on the toolbar (off by default)
version for Firefox 20 and it's new per-window private browsing feature
update hu-HU locale
new language: ar
new languages: fr, hu-HU
initial Version for Firefox 5 and newer
support Private Browsing mode
remove backup files on uninstall
(hidden) option to configure max. number of backup files (5 by default; -1 => no limit; 0 => off)
dropped support for Firefox 3.6
fixed: language files of es-ES and sk-SK contained invalid entities
added new language hu-HU
updated locale description and converted .properties to .dtd
fixed: context menu command disabled in Firefox 3.6
added 3 new languages (ro-Ro, ga-IE, et-EE)
removed Firefox 3.5 support
fixed: assignment to undeclared variable
added: Firefox 3.5/3.6 support
added new languages
fixed: some locales where missing
more robust and efficient code
added: Firefox 3.0 support
added new languages cs-CZ (Czech), ar (Arabic)
added new languages fi-FI, ja-JP, sv-SE
fixed: corrupt context menu in Bookmarks Manager (no 'Delete Site Icon(s)' and 'Properties')
added Firefox 3.0a1 support
added new languages be-BY, ca-AD, da-DK, nl-NL, pt-BR, pt-PT, zh-CN, zh-TW
fixed: Bookmark bundle cmd_bm_deletefavicon_accesskey not found
added new languages ru-RU and uk-UA
added new languages fr-FR, it-IT, es-ES, pl-PL, sk-SK, tr-TR, ko-KR
Clear Form History *UPDATED*
aktuelle Version: 0.5.1 vom 21.1.2016
Mit Clear Form History kann man die gespeicherten Einträge für ausgewählte Text-Eingabefelder separat löschen, d.h. man muss nicht mehr mühsam mit SHIFT+ENTF die Einträge einzeln löschen oder gar alle gespeicherten Einträge aller Felder.
version for Firefox 20 and it's new per-window private browsing feature
version for Firefox 5 and 6
disable command when in Private Browsing mode
disable backups by default. Whenever "noBackups" is set to true (default), any previously created backup files will be deleted.
delete backup directory when Clear Form History gets uninstalled
added Firefox 3.5/3.6 support
Bookmarks Menu Button *UPDATED*
aktuelle Version: 0.6.1 vom 23.2.2010
Bookmarks Menu Button (kurz BMB) stellt das Lesezeichen- und Chronik-Menü als Button für die Adressleiste von Firefox zur Verfügung. Die neuen Schaltflächen vereinen alle Funktionen des alten Lesezeichen-Menüs, Lesezeichen-Buttons und des Chronik-Menüs. Darüberhinaus bietet diese Erweiterung zusätzliche Features wie das Sortieren der Lesezeichen, Umordnen der Chronik, Öffnen der Lesezeichen-/Chronik-Sidebar oder Wiederherstellen des letzten geschlossenen Tabs/Fenster (Firefox 3.5) wahlweise mit der mittleren oder rechten Maustaste.
Im Mozillazine Forum findet ihr dazu auch einen Thread darüber, in dem über Probleme gesprochen wird und es den einen oder anderen nützlichen Tip zu BMB gibt.
known issue: "sort now" function won't work in Fx 3.6; you can use the advanced sort menu instead
added: menu for unfiled bookmarks and tags underneath the menu for the bookmarks toolbar; all three menus can be turned off!
fixed: missing dropmarker in Firefox 3.5 when moving a bookmark
improved: updated sort algo
added: bookmarks button opens after after a short time when dragging an item over it, to place the item at a position of your choice (like the default bookmarks menu)
added Firefox 3.5 support
new bookmarks and history tab
added full Firefox 3.0 support
bumped Qute to version 3.3.1
fixed minor issue when opening a bookmark using middle-click
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
added new language Swedish (sv-SE)
bumped Qute to version 3.3.1
fixed minor issue when opening a bookmark using middle-click
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
fixed: sorting from the sort-menu did not respected the sort-prefs (ignored exclude toolbar and sort recursive)
fixed: minor issue in history-menu after BMB has been installed and Firefox restarted using the extensions manager
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
added new language chinese traditional (zh-TW)
added: option to clear the list of recently closed tabs
added: favicon for closed tab
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
fixed: feedMenupopup has no properties error with Firefox 1.5
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
added new languages el-GR, es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, ru-RU and zh-CN
fixed: tabs where not restored correctly
improved: removed delay when opening the history button for the first time
partial fixed: if you do not have a file named classic.jar in the chrome of Firefox (like Ubuntu users), than add the following line to your profile's userChrome.css to get the icons for the buttons back @import url("chrome://bmb-ext/skin/bmb_nojar.css");
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
fixed: no symbols for the buttons, if an unsupported theme was used
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
added full Firefox 2.0 support
added option to remove drop markers (arrows) next to the buttons
added option to restore last closed tab via right/middle click on the history button (Firefox 2.0 only)
added shortcut key for the history button (same as the normal history menu)
removed: Firefox 1.0 support
Qute 3 is now the default version of Qute 2; if you use Qute 2, add the following line to your userChrome.css @import url("chrome://bmb-ext/skin/bmb-ext_qute2.css");
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
added new languages es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT, pl-PL, pt-BR, ru-RU and zh-CN
*think of a long list here*
know issue: if you use Menu Editor, than do not change the bookmarks menu
improved: orig. bookmarks menu can be used together again with BMB (but still hidden by default)
fixed issues with extension Compact Menu
know issue: if you use Compact Menu, then uncheck the bookmarks
added Firefox 1.5 support
added history button
added: sorting bookmarks via context menu
added: choose actions for right and middle click on bookmarks button
improved overall Firefox support
fixed: problem (empty menuitem) with extension Sort Bookmarks
other minor improvements
know issue: if you use Compact Menu, then uncheck the bookmarks
fixed: default nav-bar context menu is disabled now, when the right-click function is enabled
fixed: settings dialog was not resizeable when opened via extension manager
fixed: miniT problem
fixed: sometimes menu was not closed
fixed: settings dialog not resizeable
added spanish language support, translation by Karius (alt. link)
added italian language support, translation by Madman from extenzilla.it
added shortcut for the button; will be the same like the one for the old bookmarks menu which is ALT+B (en-US) and ALT+L (de-DE)
bookmarks can be moved/reorderd now
old bookmarks menu will be hidden when BMB is used and vice versa
on first install/use it will ask, if BMB should be added to the navbar
Linux users with default theme (Pinstripe); add the following line to your userChrome.css @import url("chrome://bmb-ext/skin/bmb-ext_pin.css");
hotfix for Qute3 theme support; add the following line to your userChrome.css, if you use Qute3 @import url("chrome://bmb-ext/skin/bmb-ext_qute3.css");
3DCenter NavMenu *UPDATED*
aktuelle Version: 0.2 vom 22.3.2011.
3DCenter NavMenu fügt dem Kontextmenü des Browser ein neues Menü hinzu, von dem aus man (fast) alle Foren des 3DCenter Forums erreichen kann. Zusätzlich kann man auch bis zu 30 weitere, eigene Links hinzufügen.
added: icon to indicate locked forums (means read-only for unregistered users)
added: Firefox 3.5/3.6 support
added: Flock 2.0 support
fixed: dialog not scrollable with many custom links
updated Logos to reflect the new design of 3DCenter.org
added: Flock 1.1 support
fixed: open in new tab/window was ignored, when you opened a forum and where currently visiting the 3DCenter forum
updated forums
use the same TLD as the current forums url for the forums from the menu
made extension compatible with new requirements for extensions in Firefox 3.0 (secure updates)
updated forums
updated forums: new software discussion forum; the forum for TCPA and Palladium was transformed into a security and cryptography forum; english forum gone
added option to override 'open in' using the shift key
fixed: custom links where not shown/restored correctly, if you set the amount of links to a lower value than before
add new forum 'Netzwerke, Internet und Telekommunikation'
updated forums (new forum for Gothic)
improved: "force open in current tab/window if 3DCenter forum is the current active website": only works with forum-3dcenter urls and if the current page is empty (about:blank)
fixed: forums where not opened properly in recent Firefox 2.0b1 builds
added: Flock 0.7.1 support
added option to open links in the current window/tab, if the current site is a 3dcenter-forum site and if links generally should open in a new tab/window
updated forums
added Firefox 2.0 support
fixed: name of the English Forum was lowercase
fixed: no dropdown arrow to select number of custom links under linux
fixed: wrong link for the PC-Spiele sub-forum
Set Flash Quality Greasemonkey-Script
Setzt die Qualität für alle eingebundenen Flash-Animationen auf "low".
Anzeigen(zum Installieren Greasemonkey erforderlich)
BBCode 3DCenter Special Editon
Eine von mir modifizierte Version (mit Genehmigung) des Originals von Jed Brown, mit zusätzlichen BBCodes und einige davon speziell für das Forum von 3DCenter.
Installieren(für Firefox 1.0-3.6, Mozilla 1.0-1.8, SeaMonkey 1.0-1.5 und Flock 0.5-1.0)